Most British Columbians see a Pyramid Scheme.
It should have been a clear warning to the BC Liberals to keep the taxpayers monies as far away as possible.... but oh no.... BC Energy's Minister Rich Coleman said: YES SIR, HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU NEED AND WHERE DO I SIGN for these Smart Meters?
The SMART GRID is at the bottom of the Pyramid scheme, so too is the Smart Meters.
Wouldn't you just love to find out who's at the top?
Google Search: Smart Sensors Workshops BC Hydro
Source of the Pyramid BC Hydro Smart Meter program:
The Challenges in Achieving a Smart Grid: The BC Hydro Journey
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewUBC / IEEE Workshop on Future ... BC Hydro's Smart Grid Strategy. BC Hydro has ... Volt Var Optimization (VVO). – Sensors. – Real time monitoring and control ...
I'll just leave this here...
"In its arbitration claim, Mercer argued that it should be able to buy power from BC Hydro through FortisBC at "embedded" or cheaper rates – allowing it to power the mill at a relatively low cost, and sell its green power into the market at a higher rate."
Well of course there had to be something in it for "friends" or why do it. It certainly wasn't the enviornment because just to build those new meters wasted a lot of natural resources. Buying them cost a lot of money, which hydro couldn't afford.
The new meters are just a waste of money for the consumer/voter. The old meters worked fine, provided jobs. The new meters made money for those who manufactured them, those who sold them, those who installed them, & those who can charge higher rates. Who looses the consumer/voter.
A $billion for the smart grid, $8 billion for Site C, $42 billion for un-needed IPP power:
No wonder they need those deferral accounts!
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